Big Lunch of deputy Robert and Viviane Ghanem in honor of Randa Berri
Deputy Robert and Viviane Ghanem welcoming Randa Berri, standing beside them Amina Fawaz. Welcome banners were hanged along the way leading to the Robert Ghanem villa.
It’s in the setting of the family domain in Saghbine, that deputy Robert Ghanem and his affable wife Viviane offered a big lunch in honor of Randa Berri. A big array of officials and the majority of ambassadors of big countries in Lebanon were among the guests. A delicious menu in the pure traditions of the region was served under the supervision of the charming and dynamic hostess Viviane. A cake with the inscription Ahlan Wa Sahlan, was cut by Randa Berri with all the guests applauding.
Michel Nadim, Habib Attieh, deputy Michel Moussa, deputy Robert and Viviane Ghanem, Randa Berri, Sigrid Kaag United Nations representative in Lebanon, Dr Anis Al Qaq, Raymond Raphael, Chafic Tabet and Fayez Jabado. Around Randa Berri, Robert and Viviane Ghanem, Mouna Haraoui, Marlène Harb, ambassadors of Australia, Russia, Italy, France and United Kingdom and the UN Representative in Lebanon.
Minister Nicolas Nahas and deputy Hady Hobeiche. Mohamed El Hout and deputy Alain Aoun.
Amina Fawaz, Ghada Abbas Ibrahim, Dawlat Fawaz, Randa Berri, Marcelle Nadim, Me Joseph Abou Charaf and Marlène Boutros Harb. Around Randa Berri and Viviane Ghanem, cutting the cake, Marlène Harb, Robert Ghanem, Dawlat Fawaz, Mouna Haraoui and Hoda Sanioura.
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