Prestige issue 252-253, July-August 2014
A sublime floral decoration on the stairs leading to the restaurant Mhanna accompanied the numerous friends of Afaf Ismail who offered a very warm lunch in their honor. Afaf, very happy, welcomed the guests with her daughter Nisreen, her stepdaughters Farah and Samar, and throughout this elegant feminine meeting, had special attention to each of her guests who enjoyed unanimously the menu, hospitality, affability and the friendly atmosphere in a very floral decoration for the occasion.
Prestige issue 254, September 2014
They are young and beautiful, friends of Frederic and Christopher Antaki who were invited to spend the day at the family pool overlooking the beautiful panorama of Broummana. In a very warm and friendly atmosphere, in swimsuit and casual beach dress, the guests took full advantage of this beautiful sunny day. Some have done a dip in the pool and enjoyed the pleasures of water;others have chatted

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