Prestige issue 269-270, Dec. 2015-Jan. 2016
They are beautiful, young and full of love. Hassan Sultani and Lara Kikano met during a wedding and promised to be loyal to each other for a lifetime. It’s at the city hall of the eighth district in Paris that the young couple said yes in front of parents and close friends
Prestige issue 254, September 2014
Harmonious, this blend of Lebanese and Estonian cultures at the wonderful wedding in two times of Antoine Kassis and Triin Löhmus celebrated with great taste and brilliance in Lebanon, after the union sealed at the Taagepera castle in Estonia. The nuptial blessing was given to the young and beautiful couple of engineers in the Cathedral of St. Paul Harissa where Samir and Colette Kassis, the groom’s parents had united.
Great love wedding for Mohammed Fakih and Reem Farra who did not hesitate to put all the necessary resources for the celebration of their marriage. An evening at the Sahara, followed the next day by a dinner at the Four Seasons, all crowned by the magnificent evening at Madinat Jumeirah.
The gardens of the sumptuous villa Abughazaleh at Faqra Club sparkled with a thousand lights, hosting the grand wedding of Tarek Maher Aboughazaleh and Nour Mahmoud Kanny. In a wonderful setting and atmosphere, many guests have shared

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