Prestige issue 281-282, Dec.2016-Jan.2017
Founded in 1948, the brand Talika, known as the institution of the eyelash growth, was taken over in 1994 by Alexis de Brosses, who enlarged the company's field of expertise on all eye care.
Prestige issue 251, June 2014
Twenty years of pioneering research on cellular detoxification inspired by a discovery rewarded with a Nobel Prize, enable the Science Dior to enrich One Essential with a new formula with unprecedented performance. First detoxifying and energizing serum, essential for glowing and intensely regenerated skin, One Essential initiates a saving cosmetic gesture: Dior Daily Detox that is addressed to all women.
Prestige issue 255, October 2014
Dior has managed to reveal the link between insufficient sleep and accelerated aging of the skin. With this discovery, its researchers have wanted to create a night cream targeted for delicate skin. They have highlighted the power of buds first outbreak of the Rose of Granville. A new clip infused into a vector exclusive penetration has spawned the ritual night Dior Prestige.

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